Posts Tagged ‘we are the 99%’

Initially I was just planning on increasing my physical activity to become a better member for society as a whole; however, after seeing Food Inc., I have decided that I am going to get a membership at the Co-Op in Corvallis and purchase my groceries from there and the Farmers Market(s) of my choosing. This matters to our global environment because it is important to be the change that we want to see!!! The corporations are puppeteering us all with their control over the food industry and i am not going to support that. The treatment of the animals and the overall disgustingness and corruption is mind boggling and for the next few weeks for this class, I am going to see how I hold up in buying all of my groceries from clean and righteous sources. My PSP addresses the issue in that I will no longer be supporting the corporations and it will be a small bit better for the environment one meal at a time. My PSP is a better way to address this problem than something else is because I am in a sense boycotting the corporate strangle hold; I am not going to support them and at the same time I will be supporting local farms and good healthy eating habits with legitimate natural organic foods. I am going to make sure that all meat I buy comes from a humane and clean source. The fruits and vegetables will be in season only and grown without the aid of disgusting chemicals, and quite honestly, the money I spend will be well worth it for me. It is like a personal victory. Tomorrow, I am going to go to the Co-Op and purchase a membership and do a solid grocery shop. I will not be eating any fast food or eating out for the next few weeks. I hope I will be able to keep this up even after this PSP is over for the course, we will just have to see how it plays out. This change will not make my life harder, it will make it better and also set a good example for my friends and family to follow. If only everyone knew how messed up the food industry is. I will benefit in more ways than one with this PSP to include personal health and just a feeling of pride in doing something good for the community in addition to myself. My wife and kids will also benefit from this significantly. I feel great about making this change, it is something that I have neglected for my whole life and I think that I will enjoy this change.