Posts Tagged ‘conservation’

As the fossil fuel based, industrial development of our marble (planet) continues we are faced with two alarming problems: Arable soil degradation and erosion, as well as a shortage of the water needed to irrigate this arable soil. As the human population continues to expand, the demand for food increases, while the means with which this food is provided decreases. Water is the key to life, we may not understand the magnitude of the water shortage here in Oregon but this season those in agricultural areas around the rest of the country.

My plan is to reduce the amount of water that I consume. By participating in water-saving actions, measuring the difference they can make, and finally informing others on their plausibility and effectiveness. If everyone used half as much water, it would be as if there was twice as much water available for other processes. This plan directly addresses the problem at hand by conserving the resource we depend on while maintaining a state of luxury that is widely accepted by our culture. Therefore, it is a better way to address the problem than many other extreme or even diplomatic methods, after all one must practice whet they preach.

This project will be based on the collection of quantitative data, which can be applied to my entire household, or even Corvallis. The three methods of household water conservation that will be used are: not letting the water run while doing dishes, taking shorter showers, and irrigating the garden in the early morning or late at night when evaporation is reduced.

The status quo water consumption of each activity will be calculated by filling a 1 gallon bucket with water, timing how long it takes, and multiplying that time by the actual time spent performing that activity. The difference made by shortening showers, which deals simply with time, should be easy to find and compare. The dish washing strategy will be slightly more difficult, the water in the pan must be counted as well as anytime the faucet is on for rinsing. Measuring the garden irrigation method will involve placing the 1 gallon bucket somewhere beneath the sprinkler (same spot for both observations) and letting it run. The length of time required to fill the bucket will be measured in the middle of the day and during one of the recommended watering times and compared.

As mentioned before this plan does not require substantial sacrifice, therefore it will easily fit into my lifestyle, and should be easy to maintain following the PSP assignment. I feel as though these changes really can make a difference. Furthermore, I believe these simple actions are something everyone can participate in.

Films for the Humanities & Sciences (Firm), Films Media Group, and Learning Zone Express (Firm). Go Green Around Your Home. Films Media Group, 2010. electronic resource (video).

Agriculture in Urban Planning Generating Livelihoods and Food Security. Ottawa, ON : London ; Sterling, VA: International Development Research Centre ; Earthscan, 2009. Web. 27 July 2012.